Today my heart broke. I said goodbye to adopted sisters I might never see again. I said goodbye to a little rock in the middle of the Pacific Ocean that has been a piece of heaven for four years. The beauty of both the land and the people surpassed all my imaginings.
When your heart breaks you must take care not to sew the seams too tight lest your heart shrink. I must remember to keep my stitches loose, so once my heart has healed I can fit more inside.
The pain is deep because the joy was exquisite and for that I will always be grateful. Farewell my sweet friends on Kwajalein. Farewell my sun toasted, nut-brown, beautiful people of the Marshall Islands. I will miss your giving hearts and will carry you in mine forever.
Atrina has been a sister to me and a second mother to my babies. I wanted to give her a party to thank her for all she has done for me.
Visiting Atrina's family on Ebeye |
Atrina's family sings us farewell while giving us gifts. A rain storm abruptly ends the song, which saved me from becoming a blubbering mess.
Seeking cover from the rain...
Rachel inside |
Atrina cutting cake |
Atrina's home with some of her children |
Atrina's beautiful daughter, Bina |
Atrina lives with about 40 people and we took new shoes for everyone, except the men.
Shoes for Judy's little toddler. |
I love Atrina's face in this set…
Giving Spider Man shoes to Atrina's adorable, youngest son, Runi. |
Telling him my husband, Peter Parker, is also Spider Man |
Saving the best for last. Giving Atrina her shoes. |
Atrina, Florence, Judy I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these two!! |
After Atrina's Farewell, we went to the LDS church on Ebeye for a Yokwe (means hello and love in Marshallese), which is another farewell.
As we faced the crowd of over 60 in our seats of honor, Rachel asked, "Why are we sitting up here?" |
After the leaders shared their thoughts, Peter and I shared ours |
Isaac and Caleb were brave enough to speak |
Rachel too tired for words |
After a few people shared their thoughts, including us, they sang "God Be With You Till We Meet Again" in Marshallese, while bidding us farewell and giving us gifts.
Some of the sweet members on Ebeye. |
Saying Goodbye to Ebeye and Atrina
Asher waving goodbye
The gifts we were given. I was overwhelmed by their generosity and kindness. |
I love this coconut monkey. It could also pass for a fierce, pregnant woman. Take your pick.

The Beckers, the senior LDS missionary couple on Ebeye and our adopted grandparents, stopped by on Kwajalein for one final farewell.
Braving the downpour to bid us goodbye. We love you, Beckers! |
Our neighbors, the Sovas, joined us for one last dip at Emon. She has been a sister to me, too.
I wish I could post pictures of all the people on Kwajalein that have impacted my life, but that would be impossibly long. Know that you are all fabulous and I am so blessed to have met you. Thank you for your kindness.