I should not be surprised the dessert gods were not smiling down on me. I dared exercise during the baking and cooling---blasphemy to true dessert lovers everywhere.
Upon seeing what was going to be the beginnings of a glorious train cake, turn into a pile of crumbs, my child's eyes grew big, his lips quivered and then I said, "Whoa, I made a train graveyard." His eyes lit up. I had struck gold. Apparently, it really is all in the marketing. His mouth smiled wide; who needs a train, when you can have utter train carnage! He refused all my suggestions on how I could improve the aesthetics. "No," he said, "it is perfect."

Thankfully, food doesn't have to be pretty to taste good. You just need real ingredients: butter, cream, chocolate--you know what I'm talking about. And when you aren't seven, it is especially nice when you can turn something ruined into this...